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Letter Of Intent 1



[First Name of Recipient] [Last Name of Recipient]
[Company's Name of Recipient]
[Address of Recipient]
[City of Recipient], [State of Recipient]
[Zip Code of Recipient]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of Recipient]:

Subject to the conditions set forth below, [Name of Purchaser] intends to purchase from your company up to approximately [Percentage of Requirements] percent of its requirements of during [Beginning Date] through [Ending Date]. You have requested this indication of our present intention so that you can reserve the necessary production capacity for this part.

Please note, however, that this letter does not constitute a commitment for purchase or for any investment which you might need to make in order to produce for us. Such a commitment will only be entered into by us after the appropriate corporate approvals have been obtained, and pursuant to our standard terms and conditions as evidenced by an annual purchase order (copy attached). Moreover, the issuance of such purchase money order will be dependent upon your agreeing to supply, on a timely basis, quality [Item's Name] at competitive prices. Accordingly, unless and until such purchase order has been issued to and accepted by you, any expenditures you may make will be at your own risk.

Please indicate your acceptance and agreement to the foregoing by executing and returning to me the duplicate copy of this letter which I have enclosed.

Very truly yours,

